Big Brand Experience

Over the last 15 years, I've helped brands of all shapes and sizes connect with their customers and prospective audiences. Here are a few of the larger brands I've helped.

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Lee Gatchel
Lee Gatchel is the Director of User Experience at Carton Donofrio Partners, an integrated ad agency in Baltimore, MD. He uses technology, strategy and design to power ideas. EngineBlock is his personal website.

Work > Advertising

How do you get your message noticed in a world where consumers have unprecedented access to information and options? You focus on communications that engage and attract, not annoy and disrupt.


Lipton Tea

Antioxidant Defender In-Banner Game

When Lipton Tea repositioned their core brands to focus on the health benefits of tea, they needed a way to engage customers and humanize the challenging idea of antioxidants. While working at Real Branding, I led the concept development, art directed the game and worked closely with developers to perfect gameplay on this defender style in-banner advergame.

Interaction rates, replays and click-throughs were impressive and paved the way for additional rich media advertising and content creation with Lipton.  In addition, the banner won a coveted AD:tech award for best large format banner. The response was so strong that the client requested a variant of the banner that could be included as a permanent component of the main Lipton website.

My role on the project: Concept Development, Art Direction, Interaction and Gameplay Design


AgustaWestland HH-71 

Expandable Rich Media Banner and Microsite

When AugustaWestland and Lockheed Martin partnered to bid on the Air Force’s $15 billion contract for their next-generation Combat Search And Rescue (CSAR) helicopter, they also turned to Carton Donofrio to help advance their case.

I creative directed the digital components of the integrated campaign and worked closely with digital developers and traditional art directors to build expandable, interactive banners and a website that conveyed the helicopter's key differentiators, while remaining engaging and content rich.

The banners had 25% interaction rates and 1.5% click-through rates - unheard of on the industry sites we were advertising and the entire campaign took home several Addys. I also increased my personal knowledge of defense-themed acronyms by 43%.

My role on the project: Creative Direction, Information Architecture


Helene Curtis

Interactive Banner With Personalized Hair Forecast

When Helene Curtis expanded their line of hair products to several new hair types, they wanted a way to get the word out that was experiential, fun and really drove home the new idea of personalizing your products based on hair type.

While working at Excite@Home, I concepted and designed the Hair-O-Meter concept that provided a personalized hair forecast based on your self-selected hair type and a weather feed from Accuweather. The results were delivered without leaving the media property you were on, although people who engaged were encouraged to visit the main site to learn more about the products.

I also served as the inspiration for the frizzy hair illustration.

My role on the project: Concept Development, Art Direction, Interaction Design



Rich Media Banner and Microsite

When BMW launched their X5 line of SUVs, they wanted to leverage the power of video to convey the experience of their new off-road high performance vehicle.  They turned to the creative team I led at Excite@Home to create a banner and microsite campaign that was interactive and brought the emotional power and storytelling of video into the equation without leaving the site you were on.

The banner featured a mini slideshow, quick 360 view and a peek at the interior and then launched a window with full video to view the full video library and QTVR view of the vehicle.

Despite repeated requests, we were not given a loner X5 to record our own footage.

My role on the project: Concept Development, Art Direction, Interaction Design