Big Brand Experience

Over the last 15 years, I've helped brands of all shapes and sizes connect with their customers and prospective audiences. Here are a few of the larger brands I've helped.

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Lee Gatchel
Lee Gatchel is the Director of User Experience at Carton Donofrio Partners, an integrated ad agency in Baltimore, MD. He uses technology, strategy and design to power ideas. EngineBlock is his personal website.

Work > Content Creation

The secret to powerful advertising and sticky sites? Make sure content that people really want and will share with others is central to the experience.

The American Institute of Architects

Multimedia case study on the benefits of working with archtiects.

The American Institute of Architects came to my team at Carton Donofrio with a challenge. They needed a destination for architects to send potential clients that showcased the process of working with an architect and emphasized the value of getting them involved early.  And they needed it fast.

This multimedia microsite (with original, shot-on-location video content) was conceived, planned, created, built and launched three months later.  Despite the tight deadlines, the site has been a tremendous success for the American Institute of Architects.  It showcases architects and their clients discussing what it is like to collaborate on award winning architecture projects, and walks visitors through the spaces.

The site has provided original content for the AIA that is educational for prospective clients and found nowhere else online.  It has been well received by both members and the general public.  A testament to its power is that, while planned to only be a year long initiative, the site is still an active part of their prospect education strategy several years later and can still be found at

My role on the project: Connections Planning, Creative Direction, Project Management
