Big Brand Experience

Over the last 15 years, I've helped brands of all shapes and sizes connect with their customers and prospective audiences. Here are a few of the larger brands I've helped.

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Lee Gatchel
Lee Gatchel is the Director of User Experience at Carton Donofrio Partners, an integrated ad agency in Baltimore, MD. He uses technology, strategy and design to power ideas. EngineBlock is his personal website.

Work > UX and Site Design

What's the key to developing successful websites? Finding the balance between business objectives, market realities and the real needs of the people you are trying to reach.


Guardian Industries

Digital strategy and ux design for the launch of a new interior glass product line

When Guardian Industries, a large, privately held glass manufacturing company, wanted to move into the lucrative interior glass arena, they needed more than just a website.  They needed to understand a new audience, define a family of products, craft a strategic way to reach them, and then launch a website that seamlessly pullled it all together.  The multi-year Guardian InGlass project I led at Carton Donofrio included extensive audience research, information architecture, site prototyping, site design, content develoment, project management and collaboration with the internal Guardian technology team that ultimately developed the site.

I served as the digital team leader on the project and created the original site design and the concept behind the Guardian InGlass brand.

The live site can be found at

My role on the project: Connections Planning, Brand Strategy, Audience Research, Business Analysis, Project Management, Creative Direction, Information Architecture, Interaction Design


Playground Systems

 Website architecture and ux design for a playground manufacturers website

While at Carton Donofrio, Playworld Systems - one of our major clients - needed a new site that reflected their changing business strategy, represented their evolving brand and would be able to grow with them in the future.  I led the UX team that worked on audience research, IA exploration, site design and content development for the initiative. I also worked with mutiple vendors, the client and departments within the agency to ensure the development of the site went smoothly and launched in advance of their annual sales conference.

The site was a success, bringing several sub-brands together in a unified experience, streamlining online product slecetion and elevating their brand above the me-too marketing of their competitors.   After a productive four-year run, it was replaced by the current version, although many elements and much of the content we initially created remains.

My role on the project: Connections Planning, Brand Strategy, Audience Research, Business Analysis, Project Management, Creative Direction, Information Architecture


Mercantile Bank & Trust

Website architecture and design for a local bank

Baltimore residents will recognize the regional Mercantile Bank & Trust.  When I first arrived at Carton Donofrio, I led the reorganization and redesign of their web presence.  After almost a year of discovery, planning, site design and content development the site was ready for its closeup. Unfortunately, the entire project was stopped during final days of testing when the bank announced they had been purchased by PNC.

My role on the project: Business Analysis, Art Direction, UX Design, Information Architecture
